
  • Set up and add envars to Infisical Cloud
  • Set up Azure and have an existing key vault

Authorize Infisical for Azure Key Vault

Navigate to your project’s integrations tab

Press on the Azure Key Vault tile and grant Infisical access to Azure Key Vault. You can optionally authenticate against a specific tenant by providing the Azure tenant or directory ID.


Start integration

Obtain the Vault URI of your key vault in the Overview tab.

Select which Infisical environment secrets you want to sync to your key vault. Then, input your Vault URI from the previous step. Finally, press create integration to start syncing secrets to Azure Key Vault.

The Azure Key Vault integration requires the following secrets permissions to be set on the user / service principal for Infisical to sync secrets to Azure Key Vault: secrets/list, secrets/get, secrets/set, secrets/recover.

Any role with these permissions would work such as the Key Vault Secrets Officer role.