
Project Templates streamline your ability to set up projects by providing customizable templates to configure projects quickly with a predefined set of environments and roles.

Project Templates is a paid feature. If you’re using Infisical Cloud, then it is available under the Enterprise Tier. If you’re self-hosting Infisical, then you should contact to purchase an enterprise license to use it.


The typical workflow for using Project Templates consists of the following steps:

  1. Creating a project template: As part of this step, you will configure a set of environments and roles to be created when applying this template to a project.
  2. Using a project template: When creating new projects, optionally specify a project template to provision the project with the configured roles and environments.

Note that this workflow can be executed via the Infisical UI or through the API.

Guide to Creating a Project Template

In the following steps, we’ll explore how to set up a project template.


Creating a Project Template

Navigate to the Project Templates tab on the Organization Settings page and tap on the Add Template button.

Specify your template details. Here’s some guidance on each field:

  • Name: A slug-friendly name for the template.
  • Description: An optional description of the intended usage of this template.


Configuring a Project Template

Once your template is created, you’ll be directed to the configuration section.

Customize the environments and roles to your needs.

Be sure to save your environment and role changes.

Guide to Using a Project Template

In the following steps, we’ll explore how to use a project template when creating a project.

When creating a new project, select the desired template from the dropdown menu in the create project modal.

Your project will be provisioned with the configured template roles and environments.