Infisical API

The Infisical API (sometimes referred to as the backend) contains the core platform logic.

Storage backend

Infisical relies on a storage backend to store data including users and secrets. Infisical’s storage backend is Postgres.


Infisical uses Redis to enable more complex workflows including a queuing system to manage long running asynchronous tasks, cron jobs, as well as reliable cache for frequently used resources.

Infisical Web UI

The Web UI is the browser-based portal that connects to the Infisical API.

Infisical clients

Clients are any application or infrastructure that connecting to the Infisical API using one of the below methods:

  • Public API: Making API requests directly to the Infisical API.
  • Client SDK: A platform-specific library with method abstractions for working with secrets. Currently, there are three official SDKs: Node SDK, Python SDK, and Java SDK.
  • CLI: A terminal-based interface for interacting with the Infisical API.
  • Kubernetes Operator: This operator retrieves secrets from Infisical and securely store