Twilio SendGrid
Find out how to rotate Twilio SendGrid API keys.
Eliminate the use of long lived secrets by rotating Twilio SendGrid API keys with Infisical.
You will need a valid SendGrid admin key with the necessary scope to create additional API keys.
Follow the SendGrid Docs to create an admin api key.
How it works
Using the provided admin API key, Infisical will attempt to create child API keys with the specified permissions. New keys will ge generated every time a rotation occurs. Behind the scenes, Infisical uses the SendGrid API to generate new API keys.
Rotation Configuration
Open Secret Rotation Page
Head over to Secret Rotation configuration page of your project by clicking on Secret Rotation
in the left side bar
Click on Twilio SendGrid Card
Provide the inputs
SendGrid admin API key with permission to create child scoped API keys.
The permissions that the newly generated API keys will have. To view possible permissions, visit this documentation. Permissions must be entered as a list of strings.
Example: ["", "user.profile.update"]
Configure the output secret mapping
When a secret rotation is successful, the updated values needs to be saved to an existing key(s) in your project.
The environment where the rotated credentials should be mapped to.
The secret path where the rotated credentials should be mapped to.
What interval should the credentials be rotated in days.
Select an existing select key where the newly rotated API key will get saved to.
Now your output mapped secret value will be replaced periodically by SendGrid.